That's Ozzie, the resident alpaca at the Spinning Wheel Alpacas booth. We are totally best friends forever.
Right, so Ozzie (a.k.a. the best alpaca ever) was one of the features at the Creativ Festival, which I just happened to go to this past Saturday with my friends Joanna and Lisa. I didn't go absolutely nuts on the purchases, which is sometimes a problem when presented with so much crafty awesomeness, but I attribute that mostly to having taken a Steampunk Wire-wrapping Jewelry class with June Beach in which I created this crazy thing:
My favourite part is the dangly steampunk button at the bottom. I must admit, however, that my wallet didn't escape the festival completely unscathed. I splurged on this gorgeous sparkly and super soft baby alpaca yarn:
I also picked up this absolutely gorgeous hand-carved shawl pin:
One booth was selling used crafting books (at least I think they were used) for very reasonable prices. I got Nicky Epstein's Knitting on the Edge for a mere $10.
I got a bunch of buttons and beads, some of which were free, and the rest of which were pretty cheap:
The best find of the day was this tin of buttons I got for $5 filled with these really cool vintage-style buttons, none of which I disliked (and you all know how rare that is when you have a random assortment of anything).
I really love those cameo ones...
And now I'm all inspired to make stuff! If only I didn't have that pesky PhD to worry about... sigh.
I want a pet alpaca!