Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Spinning straw into gold

Or in this case, spinning clown barf into beautiful variegated yarn. While at the Creativ Festival this year, I picked up some roving from a huge grab bin that was really really colourful.

Actually, I mostly got it because I thought it would be hilarious to spin up some really weirdly colourful yarn, and I didn't think too much about how the spinning process would change the colours. As it turns out, the process of drafting it causes the colours to mix together in the most wonderful way, so what I got was a lovely gradual blend of colours. Here it is as a single ply:

And then when I plied it, my little skein of rainbow yarn became a thing of true beauty. All of the different colours melded together, and the strands change colour at a different rate. Come to think of it, it's probably the most evenly-spun yarn I've done to date...

I can hardly wait to see how it knits up!

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