Sunday, February 19, 2012

Knitting and Hockey...

Was a better combination ever thought of? Well, perhaps cookies and milk, or bacon and eggs, but knitting and hockey still go pretty well together. This weekend, I was able to combine them at the Pucks 'N Purls, which, like the Stitch 'N Pitch, allows knitters to do what they do best at a sports game. However, unlike the baseball variant of this event, it's not so hot that you have absolutely no desire to touch anything wooly. This time the Toronto Marlies were playing the Hamilton Bulldogs.

I went with my buddies from my knitting group, and you can see their pictures and descriptions as well: Alia's here, and Erin's here. I managed not to be a total noob this time, and actually took pictures of my own as well! So here goes...

My favourite part of any ice rink event is watching the zamboni do its thing:

And my favourite part of any sports event is getting giant pretzels:

But who can resist a little good-natured fist-fighting! (There were actually half a dozen fights this game. It was awesome.)

Of course, there was knitting:

And knitting-related activities, such as this fastest knitter contest (see their introduction video here):

I think the one on the left won:

Hey, who shrunk the Marlies?!

This referee has all the answers:

We won! Go Marlies! Go!

Good times...


  1. Yay! I like that you took a picture of your pretzel, lol. And that last one on the streetcar is a good picture. :)

  2. Your photos are awesome. So much better than mine.
    Nice witty commentary too ;)

  3. If all aspects of knitting were hockey related I'd pick up a pair of needles myself.
