Anyway, as a wedding gift I decided to get my craft on, and make them something that I hope will represent their marriage for years to come.
At first my cousin was all alone. She'd just gotten out of a bad relationship and needed to find the perfect man.

Then she found him! When he first came to a family party, my mom gave him the traditional grilling, and since he held his own, we knew he had to be a keeper.

They lived together for about a year, and survived two home renovations (which says a lot).

Finally, he proposed to her.

And she accepted!

So they got married, and good times were had by all.

And now they're on their honeymoon in Italy (I think), and they're going to be living happily ever after! (we hope) Edit: Their honeymoon is actually in St. Lucia.

I guess you can say the dish ran away with the spoon (sorry, in joke). Pattern was obtained here.
Actually, they're in St. Lucia. I can see why you though Italy.