Crochet, knitting, astronomy & life in general.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Missing winter

If you live in or around Toronto, you might have noticed that winter has gone missing. I'm not sure what happened, but we'll have a few days where it might hover around freezing and we get an inch of snow, and then a couple of days later, it'll go up to a balmy 10 degrees and all the snow will melt. We've had a lot of rain, and frankly, I kind of feel like we're having a Vancouver winter. I shouldn't complain because anyone who knows me can tell you how much I hate winter, but somehow not having any snow on the ground, and not having to wear a winter jacket most days is just a tad disconcerting.

Anyway, here are some pictures from my parents' place in the Townships to get us back into that wintry mood. To start off, here are a couple of pics my dad took around the house, just to show off the winter wonderland:

Then we have lattes will silly faces:

Pretty ornaments on the Brumalia shrubbery:

Tasty baking:

And a whole family of MacBook Pros (my brother got one for X-mas... so mine's the smallest, his is the middle one and my dad's is the biggest):

1 comment:

  1. ... and, lest we forget, the MacBook (not pro) that is on the counter just hidden by the top edge of the photograph. Those were good times. *sigh*
