Recently, I started reading the blog Monster Crochet (I have this tendency to read newly discovered blogs from the beginning), and I found that in November, Lady Linoleum had created a whole slew of pie hats, ranging from a cranberry-orange pie with a lattice crust, to a pumpkin pie with a dollop of whipped cream. It was as if I had somehow channeled my idea to her... Not that I want to take any credit for her genius, but it is rather strange that she crocheted almost exactly what I had envisioned. I guess it's possible for several people to come up with the same concept...

Anyway, now that I've seen this, and since no pattern is posted, I'm tempted to try to reverse engineer one of these pie-rets. That or I'll get lazy and buy the pattern. Or I'll forget about it again...
Well, you know what they say about great minds...